Q2 taxes. All tax forms.
All the quarterly taxes related to the April, May and June invoices must be filed in July.
What are the key dates?
The submission period begins on July 1 and ends on July 20 (*).
The deadline to submit a direct debit payment of taxes is July 15.
What taxes have to be filed?
Below, I will detail in order of importance the most common taxes of my clients (freelancers and small businesses):
• Form 303. Quarterly VAT return. Freelancers and companies.
The total VAT of the sales invoices and services for the quarter is paid, less the deductible VAT of the purchases/expenses. If the result is negative, requesting a refund is only possible in the fourth quarter. It will be offset in the next quarter.
• Form 130. Payment on account of IRPF. Freelancers.
This part payment will be discounted in the following yearly income tax. The amount to be paid is approximately 20% of the accumulated profit for the year after deducting the payment made in Form 130 of the first quarter and, if applicable, subtracting the withholdings included in the issued invoices.
• Form 111. Quarterly personal income tax return for employees and professionals. Freelancers and companies.
This form includes withholdings from workers’ payrolls for April, May and June and personal income tax withholdings from professional invoices received.
• Form 349. Quarterly informative statement. Freelancers and companies.
For customers registered in the ROI (Intra-Community Operators Regime), the invoices issued to customers in the European Union and the invoices for expenses and purchases from suppliers in the European Union must be reported every quarter. This model’s periodicity would be monthly if sales to customers in the EU exceeded 50,000 euros during the fiscal year.
• Form 115. Quarterly income tax return. Freelancers and companies.
Model 115 is used exclusively to pay withholdings on rental invoices for premises between April and June.
• Form 123. Quarterly income tax return. Freelancers and companies.
This model has two differentiated functions:
1) Payment of withholdings from business rental invoices between April and June.
2) Payment of tax withholdings when companies have distributed dividends among their partners during the quarter.
• Form 210. Quarterly declaration of income. Non-residents.
Among the wide variety of cases included in this form, the main one would be the lease of a property (house, local) in Spain by a citizen residing in another country. The calculation and percentage of taxes to be paid varies depending on the country of residence.
(*) If July 20 falls on a Saturday/Sunday, the payment date will be Monday. For example, in 2024, the deadline will end on July 22.